Friday, October 10, 2014

If You Missed It..."Breakin' Bread Re-cap"

Goodness, I think I'm still stuffed! Sunday's Breakin' Bread event was very fulfilling to say the least!
The annual event featuring over 40 of Birmingham's Originals was a huge success! There were restaurants from all over the Birmingham Metro area, including veterans' like The Bright Star Restaurant and Silvertron Café as well as many new favorites. There were a couple of local farmers including the good folks from Urban Food Project.

I was thrilled to see such a large turn out.
Pat yourselves on the back Birmingham! This charity event happens every year so if you missed it, there is always next year! #BuyLocal #SupportAFarmer
Here are the pics. I hope you've already eaten.

( Click photo for larger view)


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